Description | No. off. | Piece No. | Code Word
Bar, Tommy, 5/32" dia., 3" long | 1 | E 78789 | Tenkneel
Bar, Tommy, 3/16" dia., 3 1/4" long | 1 | E 7342 | Enchafe
Bar, Tommy, 1/4" dia., 7" long | 1 | F 81335 | Tenknives
Bar, Tommy, 5/16 " dia., 4 3/4" long | 1 | E 9048 | Blueberry
Bar, Tommy, 7/16" dia., 7 1/2" long | 1 | E 12645 | Bluejohn
Bar, Tommy, 15" long | 1 | G 2900 | Consonous
Connection, Schrader Universal Tyre Pump | 1 | X 3480 | Torphin
File, Smooth, for platinum contacts | 1 | D 50912 | Avila
Gauge, Feeler | 1 | F 81296 | Tenknit
Gauge, Tyre Pressure (English reading) | 1 | X 3292 E | Ebarracks
Gauge, Tyre Pressure (Continental reading) | 1 | X 3292 C | Ebasher
Gun, Flexible Oil, with right angle connection and intensifier | 1 | X 3313 | Avisone
Hydrometer | 1 | F 77247 | Totfold
Jack, Dunlop No. 10 | 1 | F 77731 | Tenknobs
Key for petrol tank drain plug and cross steering tube plug | 1 | F 78851 | Tenkodaks
Lever, Tyre (for well-base rims) | 1 | Y 1976 | Ebasketwith
Mallet with rubber head. | 1 | Z 3428 | Eatufyell
Oiler, Lucas No. 40 | 1 | X 3440 | Toxteth
Paper, Carborundum, for ignition contacts | 1 | D 51968 | Tenlabels
Pliers, Gas (6") | 1 | X 3456 | Bluepeter
Pliers (5") | 1 | Y 3448 | Toynton
Pump, Foot, Tyre (No. 9) | 1 | F 77376 | Pilsgate
Rod, Withdrawal, for rear-hub drive coupling | 1 | G 8322 | Corrosion
Screwdriver (3") | 1 | F 81889 | Fungarth
Screwdriver (5") | 1 | F 81888 | Tenlaced
Spanner, Adjustable (small) | 1 | X 3524 | Coffer
Spanner, Box, for sparking plug | 1 | E 79766 | Tenladies
Spanner, Box, for front axle pivot and rear axle shaft nuts | 1 | F 6955 | Bobtailed
Spanner, Box, for rear axle oil drain plug | 1 | G 51001 | Boomger
Spanner, Box, for hub retaining nut | 1 | G 75544 | Tenlaid
Spanner, Box, 5/16" x 3/8" | 1 | F 9811 | Bodorvn
Spanner, Box, 7/16" x 1/2" | 1 | F 9812 | Bodrell
Spanner, Box, 3/4" x 13/16" | 1 | F 9814 | Boneath
Spanner, Box, 7 B.A. and 5 B.A. | 1 | F 9840 | Bodfach
Spanner, Box, 1 B.A. and 1/4" | 1 | F 73716 | Avner