From RROCA-info
Six-Cylinder ROLLS-ROYCE 40-50 H.P. Chassis
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word | |
Bearing, Low Speed Valve | 1 | E | 71730 | Camons |
Body, Ball Joint | 2 | E | 70594 | Cammilla |
Body, Ball Joint, for throttle lever (Series "V") | 1 | E | 71748a | Lochalsh |
Body, Bll Joint, for throttle lever (Series "W" and "X") | 1 | E | 73935 | Campdown |
Body, Control Valve (Starting Carburetter) | 1 | E | E71980a | Campkin |
Body, float Chamber | 1 | E | 74226a | Campling |
Body, Starting Carburetter, with union nut and petrol connection | 1 | E | 20881a | Endeictic |
Bolt for ball joint | 2 | E | 70596 | Campsil |
Bracket, Throttle Spring | 1 | E | 73300a | Camwal |
Cap, Sliding, for spring (high speed valve) | 1 | E | 71734 | Canadine |
Carburetter, Complete | 1 | - | - | Cancellor |
Chamber, Spray, with throttle valve | 1 | E | 71724a | Candace |
Chamber, Suction ,, | 1 | E | 73036 | Candee |
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word | |
Collar, Retaining, for mixture control lever | 1 | E | 52124 | Candelent |
Collar, Retaining, for the throttle lever | 1 | E | 73280 | Candlish |
Collar for throttle spring and control pins | 4 | E | 50658 | Tonna |
Collar, Spring Retaining, for starting earburetter | 1 | E | 20880 | Endemical |
Cover, Air Intake | 1 | E | 72449a | Canepa |
Cover, Float Chamber | 1 | E | 74277 | Canfield |
Cover, Inlet Pipe Branch | 1 | E | 70629 | Canfor |
Cover, Suction Chamber | 1 | E | 71530 | Canham |
Diaphragm. Suction Chamber | 1 | E | 72173 | Canner |
Filter, Carburetter, Complete (Series .V. and . W.) | 1 | E | 70398a | Canneye |
Filter, Carburetter, Complete (Series "X") | 1 | E | 70398b | Canning |
Float, Carburetter, Complete | 1 | E | 74309a | Cannock |
Gauze, Carburetter Breather Pipe | 1 | E | 53195a | Canonbury |
Guide, Starting Carburetter Piston | 1 | E | 20887 | Endosmose |
Jaw, for high speed valve control rod | 1 | U | 1126 | Plaid |
Jet, High Speed | 1 | E | 71527 | Canot |
Jet, Low Speed | 1 | E | 71525 | Cansick |
Lever, Control, for high speed valve | 1 | E | 7l729a | Cantlie |
Lever, Control, for low speed valve | 1 | E | 7l728a | Cantrell |
Lever, High Speed Valve | 1 | E | 71454 | Cantwall |
Lever, Mixture Control | 1 | E | 72592a | Canute |
Lever, Throttle (Accelerator Control) | 1 | E | 73277a | Canwarden |
Lever, Throttle (Hand Control) | 1 | E | 73281a | Capelcure |
Link, Connecting, for jet levers | 1 | E | 71462 | Capitain |
Link, for throttle spring | 1 | E | 73212 | Caplan |
Needle, Starting Carburetter Jet | 1 | E | 22879a | Energetic |
Nipple for starting carburettor connection | 1 | E | 11753 | Washtub |
Nipple, Union, for carburetter drain pipe and starting carburetter pipe | 2 | E | 51296 | Capon |
Nozzle, Starting Carburetter Jet | 1 | E | 21636 | Energical |
Nut, Cap, for Autovac connection (Not required when windscreen wiper is fitted.) | 1 | E | 50237 | Bomby |
Nut, Cap, for Autovac connection (Only required when windscreen wiper is fitted.) | 1 | E | 24334 | Mansergh |
Nut, Cap, for carburetter filter (Series . V . and .W .) | 1 | E | 70382 | Capt |
Nut, Cap, for carburetter filter (Series . X .) | 1 | E | 74228a | Capna |
Nut, Cap, for petrol pipe connection | 1 | E | 50237 | Bomby |
Nut for ball joint | 2 | E | 70597 | Caramans |
Nut for suction piston rod | 1 | E | 72177 | Carbery |
Nut, Knurled, for suction chamber | 1 | E | 71531 | Carbonnel |
Nut, Petrol Pipe Union | 3 | E | 51307 | Apsley |
Nut, Petrol Pipe Union | 1 | U | 1440 | Jewel |
Nut, Union, for carburetter drain pipe | 1 | E | 51307 | Apsley |
Peg for control joint pin | 1 | E | 18474 | Enfeebler |
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word | |
Piece, Air Intake | 1 | E | 72448a | Carbutt |
Pin, Dowel, for air intake piece | 2 | G | 7917 | Catford |
Pin for float balance weight | 2 | E | 22124 | Cardew |
Pin for high speed valve lever | 1 | E | 17652 | Cardinal |
Pin for high speed valve lever | 1 | E | 17653 | Cardnell |
Pin for starting carburetter control joint. | 1 | E | 7176 | Zerninder |
Pin for suction piston rod | 1 | E | 72176 | Careless |
Pin, Stop, for starting carburetter | 1 | E | 9419 | Clovelly |
Pipe, Carburetter Breather | 1 | E | 71869a | Cargill |
Pipe from float chamber to starting carburetter | 1 | E | 72225a | Carlbrook |
Pipe Induction (Rolls-Royce Patent No. 215920) | 1 | E | 71918a | Carlesson |
Pipe, Induction Branch | 1 | E | 73592a | Carloss |
Pipe, Petrol Drain (Induction) | 2 | E | 71979a | Carlotta |
Pipe, Petrol Drain (Carburetter) | 1 | E | 51548a | Arleen |
Piston, Starting Carburetter | 1 | E | 20882 | Engagedly |
Piston, Suction | 1 | E | 73202a | Carlson |
Plate, Quadrant, for throttle lever | 1 | E | 73278a | Carlstrom |
Plug, Core Hole | 2 | E | 70775 | Carlye |
Plug for float chamber body | 1 | E | 70383 | Carlyon |
Plug for float chamber body | 1 | E | 70384 | Carman |
Plug for float chamber body (top and bottom) | 2 | E | 70385 | Carmidy |
Plug for starting carburetter control valve | 1 | E | 71803a | Carmine |
Plug, High Speed Valve | 1 | E | 71731 | Carnaby |
Plug, Low Speed Valve | 1 | E | 71466 | Carnarvon |
Plug, Petrol Drain Pipe | 2 | E | 70645 | Carnaver |
Plug, Slotted, for high speed valve lever | 1 | E | 71455 | Carnegie |
Ring, Retaining, for high speed valve spring | 1 | E | 71463 | Carnell |
Rod, Connecting, for suction piston | 1 | E | 72175 | Carnelley |
Rod, Control, for high speed valve | 1 | E | 71733a | Carola |
Rod, Pull (mixture control) | 1 | E | 72588 | Caronoat |
Screw, Adjusting, for ball joint | 2 | E | 70595 | Carpenter |
Screw for low speed valve lever | 2 | E | 18407 | Yezidees |
Screw for throttle valve | 2 | E | 71776 | Carrdus |
Screw for quadrant plate | 2 | E | 15095 | Carrglyn |
Seating for float feed valve | 1 | E | 70397 | Carrgomm |
Spindle, Throttle Valve | 1 | E | 73274 | Carritt |
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word | |
Spring for high speed valve | 1 | E | 71735 | Carroll |
Spring for high speed valve control rod | 2 | E | 71736 | Cars |
Spring for locking jet needle (Starting Carburetter) | 1 | E | 21638 | Enharbour |
Spring for starting carburetter piston | 1 | E | 21023 | Enguiche |
Spring, Suction Piston | 1 | E | 73034 | Carsley |
Spring Throttle | 1 | E | 73299 | Carstairs |
Stud for carburetter filter (Series . V. and . W .) | 1 | E | 70389 | Carswell |
Stud for carburettor filter (Series . X .) | 1 | E | 74227 | Cartiere |
Stud for carburetter steady | 1 | T | 166 | Vochrew |
Stud for securing air intake | 1 | E | 71870 | Cartledge |
Stud for securing branch pipe to main inlet pipe | 4 | E | 70782 | Cartrick |
Stud for securing carburetter | 4 | E | 70778 | Carttar |
Stud for securing spray chamber to float chamber body | 3 | E | 8535 | Carvall |
Stud for starting carburetter | 2 | E | 7195 | Carwood |
Stud for throttle spring bracket | 1 | E | 16011 | Caryl |
Union for Autovac pipe | 1 | E | 50240 | Clase |
Union, Petrol Drain Pipe | 2 | E | 70643 | Carysfort |
Union, Throttle Body, for carburetter drain pipe | 1 | E | 51694 | Casella |
Union, Throttle Body, for starting carburetter pipe | 1 | E | 51318 | Casey |
Valve, Float Feed | 1 | E | 704l2a | Cashfield |
Valve, High Speed Jet | 1 | E | 71732 | Cashford |
Valve, Low Speed Jet | 1 | E | 74379a | Cashm an |
Valve, Throttle | 1 | E | 70377 | Cashtain |
Washcr, Core Hole Plug | 2 | E | 70814 | Cashtale |
Washer, Brass and Asbestos, branch pipe to main inlet pipe | 1 | E | 71978 | Cashtoad |
Washer, Fibre, for float chamber plug | 1 | E | 74065 | Cashton |
Washer, Drain Pipe Union | 8 | E | 70781 | Cashup |
Washer, Fibre, for filter base | 1 | E | 73312 | Cashwey |
Washer, Fibre, for filter cap (Series . V. and "W") | 1 | E | 1173313 | Casone |
Washer, Fibre, for filter cap (Series .X .) | 1 | E | 6583 | Casloan |
Washer, Fibre for float chamber plug | 1 | E | 9385 | Hesketh |
Washer, Fibre, for float chamber plug (top) | 2 | E | 73645 | Caspart |
Washer, Fibre, for low speed jet | 1 | E | 74091 | Cassandra |
Washer, Fibre, for jet plugs | 2 | E | 73314 | Cassap |
Washer, Fibre for high speed jet | 1 | E | 16494 | Casserley |
Washer Fibre, for petrol pipe connection | 2 | E | 70779 | Clony |
Washer for carburetter steady | 1 | E | 971461 | Cassirer |
Washer for carburetter suction chamber | 1 | E | 71461 | Casswell |
Washer for throttle spring bracket | 1 | G | 1847 | Rapine |
Weight, Balance, for float | 2 | E | 70375 | Castelber |
Please quote Chassis Number when ordering, and also state Chassis Finish for parts marked o . viz., Brass, Yellow Brass, Silver, etc.