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Six-Cylinder ROLLS-ROYCE 40-50 H.P. Chassis


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Bearing, Low Speed Valve1E71730Camons
Body, Ball Joint 2E70594Cammilla
Body, Ball Joint, for throttle lever (Series "V")1E71748aLochalsh
Body, Bll Joint, for throttle lever (Series "W" and "X")1E73935Campdown
Body, Control Valve (Starting Carburetter)1EE71980aCampkin
Body, float Chamber1E74226aCampling
Body, Starting Carburetter, with union nut and petrol connection1E20881aEndeictic
Bolt for ball joint 2E70596Campsil
Bracket, Throttle Spring 1E73300aCamwal
Cap, Sliding, for spring (high speed valve)1E71734Canadine
Carburetter, Complete 1 - -Cancellor
Chamber, Spray, with throttle valve1E71724aCandace
Chamber, Suction ,,1E73036Candee


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Collar, Retaining, for mixture control lever1E52124Candelent
Collar, Retaining, for the throttle lever 1E73280Candlish
Collar for throttle spring and control pins4E50658Tonna
Collar, Spring Retaining, for starting earburetter1E20880Endemical
Cover, Air Intake 1E72449aCanepa
Cover, Float Chamber1E74277Canfield
Cover, Inlet Pipe Branch 1E70629Canfor
Cover, Suction Chamber1E71530Canham
Diaphragm. Suction Chamber 1E72173Canner
Filter, Carburetter, Complete (Series .V. and . W.)1E70398aCanneye
Filter, Carburetter, Complete (Series "X")1E70398bCanning
Float, Carburetter, Complete1E74309aCannock
Gauze, Carburetter Breather Pipe1E53195aCanonbury
Guide, Starting Carburetter Piston1E20887Endosmose
Jaw, for high speed valve control rod 1U1126Plaid
Jet, High Speed1E71527Canot
Jet, Low Speed1E71525Cansick
Lever, Control, for high speed valve1E7l729aCantlie
Lever, Control, for low speed valve1E7l728aCantrell
Lever, High Speed Valve1E71454Cantwall
Lever, Mixture Control1E72592aCanute
Lever, Throttle (Accelerator Control)1E73277aCanwarden
Lever, Throttle (Hand Control) 1E73281aCapelcure
Link, Connecting, for jet levers 1E71462Capitain
Link, for throttle spring 1E73212Caplan
Needle, Starting Carburetter Jet1E22879aEnergetic
Nipple for starting carburettor connection1E11753Washtub
Nipple, Union, for carburetter drain pipe and starting carburetter pipe 2E51296Capon
Nozzle, Starting Carburetter Jet1E21636Energical
Nut, Cap, for Autovac connection
(Not required when windscreen wiper is fitted.)
Nut, Cap, for Autovac connection
(Only required when windscreen wiper is fitted.)
Nut, Cap, for carburetter filter (Series . V . and .W .)1E70382Capt
Nut, Cap, for carburetter filter (Series . X .) 1E74228aCapna
Nut, Cap, for petrol pipe connection1E50237Bomby
Nut for ball joint 2E70597Caramans
Nut for suction piston rod1E72177Carbery
Nut, Knurled, for suction chamber1E71531Carbonnel
Nut, Petrol Pipe Union3E51307Apsley
Nut, Petrol Pipe Union1U1440Jewel
Nut, Union, for carburetter drain pipe1E51307Apsley
Peg for control joint pin 1E18474Enfeebler


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Piece, Air Intake1E72448aCarbutt
Pin, Dowel, for air intake piece2G7917Catford
Pin for float balance weight2E22124Cardew
Pin for high speed valve lever1E17652Cardinal
Pin for high speed valve lever1E17653Cardnell
Pin for starting carburetter control joint.1E7176Zerninder
Pin for suction piston rod1E72176Careless
Pin, Stop, for starting carburetter1E9419Clovelly
Pipe, Carburetter Breather1E71869aCargill
Pipe from float chamber to starting carburetter1E72225aCarlbrook
Pipe Induction
(Rolls-Royce Patent No. 215920)
Pipe, Induction Branch1E73592aCarloss
Pipe, Petrol Drain (Induction)2E71979aCarlotta
Pipe, Petrol Drain (Carburetter)1E51548aArleen
Piston, Starting Carburetter1E20882Engagedly
Piston, Suction1E73202aCarlson
Plate, Quadrant, for throttle lever1E73278aCarlstrom
Plug, Core Hole2E70775Carlye
Plug for float chamber body1E70383Carlyon
Plug for float chamber body1E70384Carman
Plug for float chamber body (top and bottom)2E70385Carmidy
Plug for starting carburetter control valve1E71803aCarmine
Plug, High Speed Valve1E71731Carnaby
Plug, Low Speed Valve1E71466Carnarvon
Plug, Petrol Drain Pipe2E70645Carnaver
Plug, Slotted, for high speed valve lever1E71455Carnegie
Ring, Retaining, for high speed valve spring1E71463Carnell
Rod, Connecting, for suction piston1E72175Carnelley
Rod, Control, for high speed valve1E71733aCarola
Rod, Pull (mixture control)1E72588Caronoat
Screw, Adjusting, for ball joint2E70595Carpenter
Screw for low speed valve lever2E18407Yezidees
Screw for throttle valve2E71776Carrdus
Screw for quadrant plate2E15095Carrglyn
Seating for float feed valve1E70397Carrgomm
Spindle, Throttle Valve1E73274Carritt


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Spring for high speed valve1E71735Carroll
Spring for high speed valve control rod2E71736Cars
Spring for locking jet needle (Starting Carburetter)1E21638Enharbour
Spring for starting carburetter piston1E21023Enguiche
Spring, Suction Piston1E73034Carsley
Spring Throttle1E73299Carstairs
Stud for carburetter filter (Series . V. and . W .)1E70389Carswell
Stud for carburettor filter (Series . X .)1E74227Cartiere
Stud for carburetter steady1T166Vochrew
Stud for securing air intake1E71870Cartledge
Stud for securing branch pipe to main inlet pipe4E70782Cartrick
Stud for securing carburetter4E70778Carttar
Stud for securing spray chamber to float chamber body3E8535Carvall
Stud for starting carburetter2E7195Carwood
Stud for throttle spring bracket1E16011Caryl
Union for Autovac pipe1E50240Clase
Union, Petrol Drain Pipe2E70643Carysfort
Union, Throttle Body, for carburetter drain pipe1E51694Casella
Union, Throttle Body, for starting carburetter pipe1E51318Casey
Valve, Float Feed1E704l2aCashfield
Valve, High Speed Jet 1E71732Cashford
Valve, Low Speed Jet1E74379aCashm an
Valve, Throttle1E70377Cashtain
Washcr, Core Hole Plug2E70814Cashtale
Washer, Brass and Asbestos, branch pipe to main inlet pipe1E71978Cashtoad
Washer, Fibre, for float chamber plug 1E74065Cashton
Washer, Drain Pipe Union8E70781Cashup
Washer, Fibre, for filter base1E73312Cashwey
Washer, Fibre, for filter cap (Series . V. and "W")1E1173313Casone
Washer, Fibre, for filter cap (Series .X .)1E6583Casloan
Washer, Fibre for float chamber plug1E9385Hesketh
Washer, Fibre, for float chamber plug (top)2E73645Caspart
Washer, Fibre, for low speed jet1E74091Cassandra
Washer, Fibre, for jet plugs 2E73314Cassap
Washer, Fibre for high speed jet1E16494Casserley
Washer Fibre, for petrol pipe connection2E70779Clony
Washer for carburetter steady1E971461Cassirer
Washer for carburetter suction chamber 1E71461Casswell
Washer for throttle spring bracket 1G1847Rapine
Weight, Balance, for float2E70375Castelber


Please quote Chassis Number when ordering, and also state Chassis Finish for parts marked o . viz., Brass, Yellow Brass, Silver, etc.

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