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DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Arm, Connecting, for torque reaction damper2E71270Chalkrag
Arm, Support, for front suspension1E73233aCheeseman
Bearing, Camshaft (rear)1E70486aChalkston
Bolt Crankshaft Bearing14E 72609aChalkwell
Bolt for crankcase halves2E71425Challoner
Bolt for crankcase halves2E71426Chalmers
Bolt for damper connecting arm2E71273Chalon
Bolt for front engine bearer brackets2E73523Chamelin
Bolt for rear bearer arm 8G7586Champion
Bolt, wheelcase to crankcase. A= 3 11/16"1E71272Champneys
Bolt, wheelcase to crankcase .A= 3 7/32"1E71271Chanay
Bush, Crankcase Bearing (centre) .A= 2 13/32"1E70491/2Chancery
Bush, Crankshaft Bearing (front). A= 1 29/32"1E70489/90Chandless
Bush, Crankshaft Bearing (intermediate). A= 1 13/32"4E70497/8Chandos
Bush, Crankshaft Bearing (rear)1E 70493/4Channing
Bush for oil pump drive spindle (lower)1E70279Chantray
Bush for oil pump drive spindle (upper)1E70278Chantrell
Cap, Crankshaft Bearing (centre). A = 2 5/16"1E70363Chaplaise
Cap, Crankshaft Bearing (front)1E70362Chaplin
Cap, Crankshaft Bearing (intermediate)4E70366Chapman
Cap, Crankshaft Bearing (rear). A= 2 19/32"1E70364Chappele
Cap, Oil Gun Lubricator1F9775Enunciate
Clip for petrol pipe2F53028Luttonhoo
Clip for oil pipe2E72665/6Chapello
Connection, Main Bearing Oil Feed1E72356aCharig
Cover, Crankcase, rear end1E71355/6aCharkin
Cover, Dynamo Drive1E73267Charles
Cover for carburetter breather pipe1E71535Charlick
Cover, Oil Pump Drive1E70487Charlotte
Cover, Oil Retaining (rear end of crankcase) (used on part of Series .V.)1E73785Charlton
Cover, Oil Retaining (rear end of crankcase) (used on part of Series V and on W and X)1E73756Charmley
Cover, Oil Sump1E70504Charpin


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Cover, Tappet (front)1E70301Charrott
Cover, Tappet (rear) 1E71305Charteris
Crankcase, upper and lower haLves, complete.ECharveron
Liner, Crankshaft Bearing (centre)2E70500Chaytor
Liner) Crankshaft Bearing (front)2E70499Chazan
Liner, Crankshaft Bearing (intermediate)8E70503Chealsea
Liner, Crankshaft Bearing (rear) 2E70501Checkley
Lubricator, Oil Gun 1F9772Epsontite
Nipple for bearing feed pipes (used on part of Series "V" and on "W"and "X") 7E50616Irlam
Nut, Cap. for bearing oil feed tubes7E70558Chataway
Nut, Castellated, for main bearing bolts14E70900Chate
Nut, Castellated, for rear bearer arm bolt8E6164Adjourn
Nut for cylinder studs 31E74393Chatfield
Nut for front suspension bridge piece2E73232Chatrian
Nut for tappet guide bridge piece stud6E70306Chatterly
Nut, Locking, for bearing oil feed pipes (screwed 16 T.P.I.)7E70557Chatwood
Nut, Locking, for bearing oil feed pipes (screwed 20 T.P.I.)7E73637Chavrot
Nut, Union, for bearing feed pipes (used on part of Series V and on W and X )7EE50606Isham
Nut, Union, for bearing feed pipes (used on part of Series "V")7E70555Chaynes
Piece, Retaining, for bearer arm plug2E71360Cheetham
Piece, Retaining, for bearer arm plug2E71361aChenery
Pin, Dowel, for choke valve bracket1E9419Clovellv
Pin, Dowel, for crankshaft bearings6E70488Chennells
Pin, Dowel, for cylinder block 4E70949Chequers
Pin, Dowel, for idler wheel spindle2E70945Cherer
Pin, Dowel, for rear end cover and oil union3E51212Cherrille
Pin, Snug, for main bearing bolts14E70348Cherryman
Pipe, Main Oil Distribution1E7083 l/2aChesh ire
Pipe, Oil Feed, to main bearings (used on part of Series "V")7E71281aChesney
Pipe, Oil Feed, to main bearings (nscd on part of Series V and on W and X)7E73639aChessmum


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Pipe Oil Jet, for timing gears 1E72845aChestle
Plug, Core Hole 4E71292Chesworth
Plug, Oil, for main distributor pipe2U1244Anvil
Plug, Oil Sump Drain 1E70505Cheswrite
Plug, Rear Bearer Arm 2E71359Chetler
Screw, Dowel, for camshaft bearings. A= 1.050"3E70943Chetwood
Screw, Dowel, for camshaft bearing (centre)1E70944Chevalier
Screw, Dowel, for camshaft bearing (front). A=1.300"1E71365Chevens
Screw for oil connection 1E70844Cheverond
Screw for oil cover (used on part of Series "V")0E73786Chewe
Steady for Induction Pipe1E70647Cheyne
Stud, Cylinder Block 12E72732Chickens
Stud Cylinder Block19E72733Chidley
Stud for clutch casing12E70904aChidson
Stud for crankcase halves1E71539Chiesman
Stud for crankcase halves. A= 15/16"14E70936Chilcott
Stud for crankcase halves2E7125a8Chirgwin
Stud for front engine bearer brackets. A= 5 9/16"4E71364aChirney
Stud for front engine bearer brackets. A= 4 1/4"2E71363aChishick
Stud for front tappet coyer. A= 5/8"1E70920Chiskoep
Stu for governor drive housing 4E72515Chislett
Stud for idler wheel spindle. A= 7/8"3E70935Chismon
Stud for ignition control bracket2E70918Chisnag
Stud for oil cover (used on part of Series "V" and on "W" and "X")4E73757Chisoak
Stud for oil pump4E72856Chispik
Stud for oil filler) oil pump drive cover, and camshaft rear bearing. A= 19/16"10E70910Chisrun
Stud for petrol pipe clip 2E73170Chissyck
Stud for relief valve. A= 1 3/16"3E70914Chissome
Stud for sump cover and front camshaft bearing. A= 13/16"11E70922Chithirn
Stud for tappet covers, oil connections and dynamo drive housing. A= 11/16"33E70921Chittock
Stud for tappet guide bridge piece6E70316Chittye
Stud for water Ix1m1 bracket and wheelcase. A= 1 1/8" )3E70937Chloe
Stud for wheelcase. A=1 5/8"5E70938Choate
Tube, Front Engine Suspension 2E73298aChollet
Tube, Oil Feed, for crankshaft bearings, 9/16" dia. (screwed; 16 T.P.1.)6E71279Chorlton
Tube, Oil Feed, for crankshaft bearings. 5/8"dia.. (screwed 24 T.P.I.) (used on part of Series V and on W and X)6E73636Choules


DescriptionNo.Off.Piece No.Code Word
Tube, Oil Feed, for crankshaft bearing (centre). 9/16" dia. (screwed 16 T.P.I.)1E71280Chudleigh
Tube. Oil Feed, for crankshaft bearing (centre). 5/8" dia. (screwed 20T.P.I.) (used on part of Series V and on W and X)1E73642Chumley
Tube, Oil, for crankshaft bearings 7E70551Churchey
Washer Fibre, for oil feed connection1E70562Churchill
Washer for bolts securing wheelcase to crankcase 4E23533Cheshunt
Washer for governor housing bolts 4E73411Cirket
Washer, Locking, for front camshaft bearing stud 11E50341Brodie
Washer, Locking, for idler wheel spindle nuts 3E70202Circuitt
Washer, Locking, for oi connection cap nuts. 7E70559Civral
Washer, Locking, for oil feed pipe nuts. A = 0.578" (Used on part of Series "V") 7E70561Clabon
Washer, Locking, for oil feed pipe nuts A= O.640" (Used on part of Series . V. and on . V . and .X .)7E73638Clacchy
Washer, Locking: for oil feed tubes7E70560Clacy
Washer, Locking, for oil plug (main distribution pipe). 2E72951Clampe
Washer, Locking, for rear camshaft bearing stud 4E16789Clampitt
Washer, Locking, for timing gear oil pipe1E72857Clancarty
Washer, Paper Joint, for crankcase halves 1E71386Clapham
Washer, Paper Joint, for crankcase halves1E71387Clapshaw
Washer, Paper Joint, cylinders to crankcase 2E71394Clapton
Washer, Paper Joint, for dynamo drive cover 1E71384Claremont
Washer Paper Joint, for end cover 2E74290Claypole
Washer, Paper Joint, for governor facing1E72516Clarence
Washer, Paper Joint, for oil cover (used on part of Series "V")1E73787Clarendon
Washer Paper Joint, for oil cover (used on part of Series V and on W and X)1E73758Claridge
Washer, Paper Joint, for oil feed connection1E73193Clarinda
Washer, Paper Joint, for oil filler1E70899Claris
Washer, Paper Joint, for oil pump drive cover 1E71385Clarkson
Washer, Paper Joint, for oil relief valve1E70909Classey
Washer, Paper Joint, for oil sump cover 1E71260Claudius
Washer, Paper Joint, for tappet covers2E71254Claxton
Washer, Paper Joint, for water pump drive housing 1E72112Clayder
Washer, Paper Joint, for wheelcase1E71388Clatworth
Washer, Spherical, for damper arm bolt4E53058Claydon


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