From RROCA-info
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word |
Bearing, Bevel Pinion, for front brake equalizer. A=2 3/8" | 1 | G72015 | Kelmahog |
Bearing. Bevel Pinion, for rear brake equalizer. A=2 3/16" | 1 | G7ll46 | Kelnarsh |
Bolt for front brake equalizer rod jaw . . . | 1 | G720l1 | Kelshall |
Bolt for front brake rope jaws | 4 | G72010 | Kelvedon |
Bolt for front equalizer spherical seating . . | 3 | G71321 | Kemerton |
Bolt for wire rope jaw (equalizer to rear brakes) | 2 | G71l75 | Kennoway |
Box, Differential (with boss for lubricator), for front brake equalizer | 1 | G 73222 | Coltman |
Box, Differential (plain), for front brake equalizer | 1 | G 73221 | Colville |
Box, Differential (with boss for lubricator), for rear brake equalizer | 1 | G 72491 | Kcrdsley |
Box, Differential (plain), for rear brake equalizer | 1 | G 72490 | Kershope |
Bracket for rear brake equalizer shaft (near side). (Long type chassis) | 1 | G71218 | Kewstoke |
Bracket for rear brake equalizer shaft (near side). (Short type chassis | 1 | G 72603 | Keyhaven |
Bracket, Supporting, for Front Brake Equalizer | 1 | G 72002a | Kewaigne |
Bracket, Supporting Rear Brake Equalizer and Countershaft (front half) (Long type chassis) | 2 | G 72497 | Keyliber |
Bracket, Supporting Rear Brake Equalizer and Countershaft (inner, off sale) (Short type chassis) .. | 1 | G 72680 | Keynsham |
Bracket, Supporting Rear Brake Equalizer and Countershaft (miter, off side) (Short type chassis) . . | 1 | G 72691 | Kidwelly |
Bracket, Supporting Rear Brake Equalizer and Countershaft (rear half) (Long type chassis) | 2 | G 72498 | Kidbrook |
Bush for brake operating levers . . | 4 | G 71028 | Kilbagie |
Bush for front countershaft tube . . | 2 | G 73228 | Colvin |
Bush for pull rod jaw (countershaft to front equalizer) | 1 | G 71129 | Kilberro |
Bush for rear countershaft operating tube . . | 2 | G 72514 | Kilbowie |
Bus for wire rope jaws . . | 4 | G 71029 | Kilbride |
Cap for bracket supporting rear counters and equalizer (inner, off side) (Short type chassis) | 1 | G 72600 | Kilbucho |
Cap for bracket supporting rear countershaft and equalizer (outer, off side) (Short type chassis) . . | 1 | G 72692 | Kilchoan |
Cap for oil gun lubricator . . | 4 | F 0773 | Enunciate |
Cap for rear brake equalizer shaft bracket. (Long type chassis) | 1 | C 71219 | Kilcowan |
Cap for rear brake equalizer shaft bracket. (Short type chassis) | 1 | C 72694 | Kildonan |
Elbow for rear countershaft lubricator. (Short type chassis). | 1 | C 9403 | ]Cilfinan |
Ferrule for pull rods | 2 | C 72287 | Kilgarth |
Ferrule for pull rods | 4 | C 72303 | Kilgetty |
Ferrule fur rear brake differential lever pin | 1 | C 70434 | Kilinian |
Jaw for front brake equalizer pull rod. A= 3/8" | 2 | C 72264 | Killearn |
† Jaw for pull rods | 4 | 6 72510 | Kilmalow |
Jaw for pull rod, from countershaft to front brake equalizer | 1 | 6 71180 | Killerby |
Jaw for pull rod, from countershaft to rear brake equalizer A= 7/16" (Long type chassis).. | 1 | C 72118 | Kihhican |
† 0nly 3 off required on short type chassis.
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word |
Key for front brake operating levers | 2 | G72012 | Kilndown |
Key for rear brake operating levers | 2 | G71067 | Kilnflat |
Lever, Front Brake Differential. A=4 5/8" | 1 | G 72727a | Kilrenny |
Lever, Front Brake Operating (near side) | 1 | G 72014a | Kiltearn |
Lever, Front Brake Operating (off side) | 1 | G72013a | Kilthrew |
Lever, Rear Brake Differential. A=4 3/4" | 1 | G71142a | Kilworth |
Lever, Rear Brake Operating | 2 | G 72489a | Kimcochy |
Lubricator, Oil Gun | 1 | Ff3771 | Enveloped |
Lubricator, Oil Gun | 3 | Ff3772 | Epsomite |
Nut, Castellated, for wire rope jaw bolts (front equalizer to brakes) | 4 | G 3035 | Kinaldo |
Nut, Castellated, for jaw bolts | 3 | G3151 | Noontide |
Nut, Locking, Countershaft ,to Rear Equalizer pull rod (Long type chassis) | 1 | G2220 | Otogra |
Piece, Distance, for rear countershaft. (Short type chassis) | 1 | G72681 | Kincaple |
Pin for pull rods | 4 | G72504 | Kinellar |
Pin for pull rods | 2 | G72283 | Kinfauns |
Pin for rear brake differential lever | 1 | G 70722 | Kingarty |
Pinion, Differential Bevel, for front brake equalizer (19 teeth). A = 1 1/4" | 2 | G72016 | Kingcoed |
Pinion, Differential Bevel, for rear brake equalizer (21 teeth). A=l 13/32" | 2 | G71i45 | Kingarby |
Rod, Pull, from countershaft to rear equalizer. (Long type chassis) | 1 | G72524 | Kingford |
Rod, Pull, from countershaft to rear equalizer. (Short type chassis) | 1 | G 72686 | Kinghorn |
Rod, Pull, from front countershaft to equalizer. A=30 7/32" | 1 | G 73226 | Colwell |
Rod, Pull, servo to front countershaft. A= 17 7/32 | 1 | G 73230 | Colyar |
Rod, Pull, from servo to rear countershaft. A= 19 7/32" (Long type chassis) | 1 | G 72525 | Kingsark |
Rod, Pull, from servo distributing lever to rear countersháft. A= 15 13/16". (Short type chassis) | 1 | G72684 | Kingseat |
Rope, Wire, with Jaws, for front brakes. | 2 | G 73482a | Comerford |
Rope, Wire, with Jaws, for rear brakes. A=45 21/32" (Long type chassis) .. | 2 | G71176a | Kingsharn |
Rope, Wire, with Jaws, for rear brakes. A=44 21/32" (Short type chassis) . - | 2 | G 72685a | Kingside |
Description | No.Off. | Piece No. | Code Word |
Seating for front equalizer spherical | 2 halves | G71515 | Kingstag |
Shalt, Front Brake Equalizer | 1 | G 73219a | Comley |
Sphere, Bearing, for front brake equalizer | 1 | G 71514 | Kinneder |
Tube, Cross, with bevel wheel. A=3 7/8". (Long type chassis) | 1 | G 7249 | Kinnoull |
Tube, Cross, with bevel wheel. A=5 13/16". (Short type chassis) | 1 | G 72722a | Kintillo |
Tube, Front Countershaft | 1 | G 73227 | Compte |
Tube, Operating, with Levers, on rear countershaft. (Long type chassis) | 1 | G 72517a | Kirkbean |
Tube, Operating, with Levers, on rear countershaft. (Short type chassis) | 1 | G 72683a | Kirkcolm |
Tube, Outer, with Levers, for front countershaft | 1 | G 73231a | Commons |
Tube, Rear Countershaft, with servo operated lever. (Long type chassis) | 1 | G72516a | Kirkgate |
Tube, Rear Countershaft, with servo operated lever. (Short type chassis) | 1 | G726S7a | Kirkhill |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .075 thick | 1 | G 71529 | Kirkhope |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .100. thick | 1 | G71530 | Kirkinch |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .125. thick | 1 | G 71531 | Kirklane |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .150. thick | 1 | G 71532 | Kirklees |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .175 thick | 1 | G71533 | Kirstead |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .200. thick | 1 | G 72788 | Kirtling |
† Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer, .225. thick | 1 | G 72789 | Kitgreen |
a Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer pull rod, .025. thick | 1 | C 73081 | Olcaston |
a Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer pull rod, .050. thick | 1 | G 73082 | Olcasway |
a Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer pull rod, .075. thick | 1 | G 73083 | Olcester |
a Washer, Adjusting, for front brake equalizer pull rod, .100. thick | 1 | G 73084 | Olcetrin |
b Washer, Packing, for front brake equalizer support, .100. thick | 1 | G 71527 | Kitswall |
b Washer, Packing, for front brake equalizer support, .150. thick | 1 | G 72786 | Kivernol |
b Washer, Packing, for front brake equalizer support, .200. thick | 1 | G 71528 | Knapdale |
c Washer, Packing, for spherical seating, .016" thick (27 S,W.G.) | 2 | G 71522 | Kuenhall |
c Washer, Packing, for spherical seating, .020" thick (25 S,W.G.) | 2 | G 71523 | Knockard |
c Washer, Packing, for spherical seating, .024 thick (23 S,W.G.) | 2 | G 71524 | Knowbury |
c Washer, Packing, for spherical seating, .028 thick (22 S,W.G.) | 2 | G 71525 | Knoydart |
c Washer, Packing, for spherical seating, .032 thick (21 S,W.G.) | 2 | G 71526 | Knucklan |
Wheel, Bevel, for front brake equalizer | 1 | G73220 | Compton |
Wheel, Bevel, for rear brake equalizer | 1 | G 72415a | Kirdford |
†, a, b, c: Alternatives.